RNH receives a large donation of bread several times a week that is freely available to those in need. Please bring your own bag. Fortnightly on a Monday and every Wednesday, Call ahead to check availability 8488 6655

Held Wednesday mornings, please contact ichigoplaygroup@hotmail.com for details
Struggling to use and enjoy technology? From beginners to the more experienced. Come along and develop your computer skills in this free class. Get confident navigating the internet, using email and Microsoft Office. TIMES TO BE CONFIRMED

Food relief is available through DIVRS. They unfortunately do not come to the centre anymore but are available for support if you call them on 9480 8200. DIVRS is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30-2:30pm.

Northern Autism Network
A regular support group for parents of primary school and teen aged children with Autismn. When: on the 4th Tuesday evening of every month Time: 7-9pm.
RSVP or for more information contact Lisa Petersen on 0430 724 910 or email lisa@northern autismnetwork.com.au Tea & coffee provided.

The Lab, Reservoir is a Technology Club for Young People (10-16 yrs old) with Autism who enjoy working with computers. Please register your interest for The Lab, Reservoir at https://thelab.org.au/join-a-lab/