Welcome to the Reservoir Neigbourhod House Community Satisfaction Survey

To ensure we meet the expectations of our neighbourhood house users, we would love to receive your feedback about your experiences with Reservior Neighbourhood House. The results will be used to understand what we do well and what can be improved.

Would you do this short and simple survey? Depending on your responses, it should take 10 minutes to complete.

Your responses to all questions will be anonymous and will be reported as part of the group. Please note, however, if you identify yourself in some way in the comments box, you may not remain anonymous.

The survey will close on 30th November 2021. We hope to hear from you before then.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our neighbourhood house on 03 9462 4611 or via admin@reservoirnh.org.au.

We thank you for your ongoing support and contribution to Reservior Neighbourhood House and look forward to yourfeedback about your experiences.

About you

If we know more about you we can make sure that Reservoir Neigbourhod House is an inclusive place for everyone in the society. So please tell us about you.

What suburb do you live in?

Do you have any of the following?

Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?

Do you identify as having a disability?

In which country were you born?

What is your age group?

How you describe your gender?

What is your situation?

Please select all applicable to your situation.

Your Feedback

We currently provide the following services.

Food Relief

We provide bakery, pantry, fruit & vegetables, and pet food as part of our food relief program for people experiencing hardship & disadvantage. Please provide feedback on your most rescent experience with our food relief services.

Have you ever used any of our food relief programs?

Any comments or suggestions to help us better deliver our food relief services to you.