Preston Reservoir Adult Community Education (PRACE)
PRACE is an organisation committed to meeting the language, literacy and numeracy, vocational training and further education needs of the local community and has been running programs to achieve this since 1993. PRACE is regarded as a key English as a Second Language and literacy & numeracy adult education provider in the Northern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne and currently runs classes at several centres in Darebin, including the Reservoir Neighbourhood House.


Darebin Information, Volunteer and Resource Service (DIVRS) is a not-for-profit community-based organisation which seeks to address disadvantage within City of Darebin by providing a range of services & programs designed to support and strengthen communities and increase participation across the whole of Darebin. DIVRS Programs available at the House include emergency relief, community counselling and tax help.


This is a drop-in lounge for young people aged 12-25. Drop in is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays during school term 3.30-5.30pm
This free service is staffed by local youth workers and can provide information on programs and activities.

Northland Youth Centre Offers:
Youth Information and referrals
Counselling and Support
Internet access
Employment, training and work experience
Music events and gigs
Recreation and holiday programs

Located at the Northland Shopping Centre
Ph: 8470 8491


1/44 Whitelaw St, Reservoir 3073
Open: Mondays, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Hours: 9 am — 4 pm

Coordinated by  Darebin Community Health,  a range of staff from local agencies are at the Hub on different days including Housing, Darebin Community Legal Centre and Darebin Community Health. Drop in to find out more or to make an appt.